Once in Brussels offers several types of activities to discover Brussels, its history, its taste specialties, while having fun, on foot, by electric or classic bike or during conferences. It provides one or more guides to its customers and ensures the coordination of the proposed activities.
These activities are available either individually or in a private group :

  • For individuals, a selection of certain activities are regularly offered on the agenda, with no possible adaptation of the offer.
  • For private groups, Once in Brussels offers to combine different activities in order to create tailor-made cultural events.

The services offered by Once in Brussels are subject to 21% VAT.

The bank details of Once in Brussels SA are: Belfius bank – BIC: GKCCBEBB – IBAN: BE66 0682 1221 8243.

Once in Brussels and its partners have taken out the necessary insurance as group leaders and guides for the activities they offer. However, they cannot be held responsible for accidents or other damages occurring during their services in the event of negligence, failure to comply with instructions or improper conduct on the part of their clients. If the guide's instructions are not followed, the latter has the option of interrupting or stopping his activity without any prosecution or compensation for the client being considered. During an activity offered to individuals, if the guide decides to interrupt his activity for the reasons given above, the persons responsible for this interruption will be obliged to reimburse the price paid by the other participants not responsible for the interruption of the activity.

Regarding cycling activities, the customer undertakes to be able to ride a bike properly, at a moderate pace and for the duration of the defined rides. Once in Brussels reserves the right to assess the participant's ability and aptitude to use a bike. The customer participating in the ride declares that they are fit to ride a bike and have no medical contraindications. Once in Brussels reserves the right to exclude from its rides any person who is clearly under the influence of alcohol, any drug or who does not have the physical ability to ride a bike alone. A ride cancelled due to a customer's inability to ride a bike will not be subject to a refund, any prosecution or any compensation.

Minors must be accompanied by an adult. Their participation is under the full responsibility of the parent or accompanying adult.

Under no circumstances may the guide be considered as supervising children, nor as responsible for them within the meaning of article 1384 paragraph 2, 4 or 5 of the Belgian Civil Code.

All equipment made available to customers during activities remains the exclusive property of Once in Brussels or its partners. The customer undertakes to treat the equipment made available to him as a good father. He is responsible for any damage caused to the equipment made available to him during the entire duration of the activity, whether caused by his own actions or by others. Parents are responsible for any damage caused to equipment lent to their minor children.

Once in Brussels reserves the right to modify its prices and general terms and conditions of sale at any time. However, products or services are invoiced on the basis of the rates and conditions in force at the time of purchase or issue of the order form.

Reservation, modifications and cancellation for private groups :

As a private group, booking a service and setting up a tailor-made programme is done on the basis of a request from the client and discussions between the latter and Once in Brussels.

The reservation of the service is confirmed by a purchase order, established by Once in Brussels. The customer returns the signed purchase order for agreement, by email to Once in Brussels. The reservation is definitively recorded after the payment of a deposit of 30% of the total amount including VAT. A deposit invoice is only sent to the customer at his request. A global invoice is sent to the customer by email before the service. The total amount must be paid at least 7 calendar days before the service (unless otherwise arranged).

In the event that the service is confirmed less than 7 calendar days before it, the overall invoice is sent to the customer by email upon validation of the order form. Payment is made upon receipt of the invoice. The reservation is definitively confirmed after payment of the total amount including VAT.

No invoice will be sent by post unless expressly requested by the customer upon confirmation and before the service. All bank charges are the responsibility of the customer. Once in Brussels does not accept payments in cash or by check.

The service is fixed and its price established according to a number of participants specified at the time of booking. In the event of a change in this number, Once in Brussels and its partners cannot guarantee either the schedule or the price announced. The price may be adjusted according to the new reality, upwards or downwards.
Once in Brussels and its partners will endeavour to respect what has been agreed and validated by the purchase order.

However, the schedule may be adapted for reasons beyond our control. We cannot guarantee compliance with everything that had been agreed in the event of a delay by the client. In the event of a significant delay, certain activities may be cancelled without this giving rise to a refund or compensation.

The service is fixed by mutual agreement between the client and Once in Brussels. Any modification made by the client is communicated as soon as possible by email to Once in Brussels (info@onceinbrussels.be), referring to the order number, and no later than 7 calendar days before the date of the service. Once in Brussels endeavours to take into account the modifications requested by the client, but cannot guarantee the execution of the requested modifications. After validation of the order form, we do not make more than one modification without claiming an administrative fee of €50 excluding VAT per change, possibly increased by charges claimed by our service providers (unless otherwise agreed). No modification, except in cases of duly justified force majeure (death of a relative, birth of a child, hospitalisation, air problems, long-distance transport strikes), is permitted less than seven calendar days before the chosen date (unless otherwise agreed).

In the event of cancellation, the customer shall notify Once in Brussels as soon as possible by email (info@onceinbrussels.be) with reference to the order number. In order to cover the costs incurred and unless otherwise agreed, Once in Brussels:

  • 30 calendar days or more before the date of the service: €50 excluding VAT for administrative costs.
  • Between the 29th and 8th calendar day before the date of the service: 30% of the total cost including VAT, with a minimum of €50 excluding VAT.
  • After 7 days of the calendar year before the date of the performance: 100% of the total TVA comprise.

Reservations, modifications and cancellations for individual individuals :

And according to the individual, the reservation of a prestation and the payment of the celle-ci, se fait en ligne, via the internet site of Once in Brussels. It is not possible to reserve without payment. The information (date, wedding, name of the places available, language, etc.) is the clearest detail on the site: aucune adaptation is not possible.

An individual reservation is a matter of record for the future date, and the availability feature. After all, the client is communicated by email via Once in Brussels (info@onceinbrussels.be), and after the date of the prestation, the last 7 days of the calendar before the prestation date. Aucune modification, cause the force majeure dûment justifiée (décès d'un proche, naissance de son enfant, hospitalization, problèmes aériens, grèves des transports longue distance) necessité moins de 7 jours calendrier avant la date retenue. After validation of the reservation en route, there are no effects and no modification without reclamation for the new administration costs 10€ after TVA for change, per person.

In case of cancellation, the client avertit Once in Brussels by email (info@onceinbrussels.be) and faisant reference à la date de la prestation. After reading the words and the arrangement contraire, Once in Brussels factera :

  • À 30 days prior to the date of delivery: 10€ after TVA, per person registration, the free administration.
  • Between 29 and 8 days before the start date: 50% of the total TVA comprises, including personal registration, with a minimum of €10 for TVA.
  • After 7 days of the calendar year prior to the date of the performance: 100% of the total TVA comprise, by personne description.
  • And if the force majeure is justified (décès d'un proche, naissance de son enfant, hospitalization, problèmes aériens, grèves des transports longue distance): 10€ after TVA, per personne registration, the free administration, after which the date l'annulation.

Pour the individuals, and after a delay of 15 minutes during the fixed appointment, the guide is followed by the commencement of the visit with the clients and without the need to cancel the reservation without delay. reimbursement.

And the external and dependent conditions (extreme climate conditions, malaise, grève, defective techniques, etc.), once in Brussels require the dependence of individual activities. A new date after which you propose to your client. If the arrangement is not possible, the sums are always paid in full and remboursées.